Board Meeting Schedule, Agendas, and Minutes

Public Comment

The public can participate in the "Public Comment" section of every scheduled Board meeting. Those wishing to address the Board during the period are asked to complete a speaker's request card. Each speaker is limited to three minutes. Send public comment request cards to

Meeting Details

Meeting minutes will be available for download approximately a week after the meeting date. Click a date below to view the meeting's minutes and agenda. Meeting dates, times, and location are subject to change. Recent changes to the board meeting schedule are shown in bold.

Technical Information

Our meetings are hosted on Zoom. Prior to the meeting, you can join a test Zoom meeting to familiarize yourself with Zoom and test your speakers. You may follow this link for Zoom’s instructions on how to test your system.

Joining a Meeting

Click or tap the button below to join a meeting via Zoom at its scheduled time.

If any person decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at this public meeting such person will need a record of proceedings, and for such purpose such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made at their own expense and that such record includes the testimony and evidence on which the appeal is based. The public meeting may be continued to a date, time, and place to be specified on the record at the meeting. Additional items may be added / changed prior to meeting.