Retiree Resources and Links
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Retiree Plan Rules
Eligible Retirees includes those who retired in a position covered by any collective bargaining agreement between the City of Jacksonville and FOP or IAFF with at least 20 years of service or obtained disability retirement. Eligible Retirees also includes a surviving spouse, surviving dependent, or anyone otherwise entitled to an Eligible Retiree’s survivor benefits.
Note: The Police and Fire Pension Fund (PFPF) and the General Employee Pension Plan (GEPP) is the best resource to determine the full details of your retirement eligibility. This overview pertains to the rules of JPOFFHIT’s benefits after you retire completely.
Bargaining Units
Members employed in one of the following bargaining units at the time of retirement and meet the eligibility requirements from the Pension Office are eligible for JPOFFHIT benefits:
Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) 530
0040 FOP, Police Officers & Sergeants
0041 FOP, Police Lieutenants & Captains
0042 Judicial Officers
0045 FOP, Correctional Officers
0046 FOP, Correctional Officers - Supervisory
International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) 122
0030 IAFF, Local 122 (Firefighters)
0141 IAFF, Local 122 (Fire Chiefs)
0023 - Office of Sherriff / Officials
0083 - Office of Sherriff
0021 - Fire / Officials
0081 - Fire Appointed
0007 - Elected Officials
Members move to the following bargaining units after their official retirement date:
888F Retired Pension- Fire
888P Retired Pension- Police
999C Retired Pension- Corrections
Exception: Some members may be part of a grandfathered population that work for or Retired from a job role at City of Jacksonville but their pension is paid through the Florida Retirement System (FRS). Members eligible for FRS pension will be currently assigned or moved to the below bargaining units at the time of retirement.
666F State Retirees- Fire
666P State Retirees- Police
Retiree Enrollment Period
Retirees prior to 12/31/2019
Retirees could elect any medical, dental, or vision benefits from JPOFFHIT for the 2020 plan year as part of a one-time re-enrollment opportunity during the 2019 open enrollment period. However if a Retiree did not take a benefit during this window or later drops a benefit, they cannot re-enroll in JPOFFHIT plans at a later date. If a Retiree did re-enroll in the Trust, they can eligible spouses and dependent children to their plan following a Qualified Life Event (QLE) or during an annual open enrollment period.
Retirees after 1/1/2020
Retirees have up to 30 days after their official retirement date to elect Retiree benefits from JPOFFHIT. Retirees are eligible to continue the same medical, dental, and vision plans offered to them as an Active member. A member must elect the benefit(s) (medical, dental, or vision) they want to continue as a Retiree and members can change plans at the time of retirement. However, if a member does not elect the medical benefit at the time of retirement or later drops a medical coverage, they cannot re-enroll in a JPOFFHIT medical plan at a later date. Eligible Retirees will still be allowed to add and remove dental and vision benefits during Qualified Life Event (QLE) or during an annual open enrollment period. Retirees are allowed to add eligible spouses and dependent children to their plan following a Qualified Life Event (QLE) or during an annual open enrollment period.
Survivor and Continuing Family Member Eligibility
The Eligible Retiree definition also includes a surviving spouse, surviving dependent, or anyone otherwise entitled to an Eligible Retiree’s survivor benefits.
Note: The pension office is the best resource to determine the full details of your survivor eligibility. This overview pertains to the rules of JPOFFHIT’s benefits after you are determined to be an eligible survivor.
Surviving Family Members
Surviving Family Members After 1/1/2020
Surviving Family Members have up to 30 days after the date of passing to elect Survivor benefits from JPOFFHIT. Surviving Family Members are eligible to continue the same medical, dental, and vision plans they were enrolled in, A Surviving Family Member must elect the benefit(s) (medical, dental, or vision) they want to continue as a Survivor and they can change plans during the eligibility window. However, if a Survivor does not elect a benefit at the time of event or later drops a benefit, they cannot re-enroll in JPOFFHIT plans at a later date. Surviving Spouses are allowed to add eligible dependent children to their plan following a Qualified Life Event (QLE) or during an annual open enrollment period.
Surviving Family Members prior to 12/31/2019
Surviving Family Members could elect any medical, dental, or vision benefits from JPOFFHIT for the 2020 plan year as part of a one-time re-enrollment opportunity during the 2019 open enrollment period. However if a Surviving Family Member did not take a benefit during this window or later drops a benefit, they cannot re-enroll in JPOFFHIT plans at a later date. If a Surviving Spouse did re-enroll in the Trust, they can add eligible dependent children to their plan following a Qualified Life Event (QLE) or during an annual open enrollment period.
Continuing Family Members
Continuing Family Members are eligible spouses and children of Retirees who aged off the plan and enrolled in Medicare. In this scenario, Retirees over the age of 65 can choose to enroll in Medicare and the eligible spouse and children under the age of 65 can remain enrolled in JPOFFHIT plans. The eligible Retiree and spouse must both be enrolled in the benefit prior to the Retiree reaching the age of 65 in order to qualify for Continuing Family Member status. Continuing Spouses can add eligible dependent children following a Qualified Life Event (QLE) or during an annual open enrollment period.
Note: Continuing Family Member eligibility only applies to the Medical plan. An Eligible Retiree would need to remain enrolled in a dental or vision plan in order for spouse and children to be covered.
Spouses and Children cannot be enrolled by themselves in JPOFFHIT coverage for any other reason other than as a Survivor or as a Continuing family member. If a retiree elects to cancel their JPOFFHIT plans, then the plan eligibility ends for all family members.